
"I am a refugee". Å være flyktning handler mye om tap: Tap av navn, bosted, venner, familie, trygghet, identitet. De unge flyktningene i livsmestrings-gruppene våre i Uganda har skrevet dikt om både tap – og håp. Her kan du se dem fremføre diktene sine selv.

I am a refugee

I am a refugee

I am in need of a shelter
I seek safety and future
because I am human – like you.

Don’t look and see
tradable items
to tag prices on
because I am a refugee.


My mother ran across boarders

My mother ran across boarders
like a boda boda*
to safeguard her children.

My father left all our properties
because our lives are precious.

My parents are not aliens
but scared human beings.

Asking for things
which derive from men
to protect them from
perpetrators of tragedy.

My parents, they are refugees
They are refugees.

ELI, 15 ÅR

*Boda boda = motorsykkeltaxi

My daughter is curious

My daughter is curious
she wants to be educated
and wishes to have friends
like yours.

She wants to be protected
from rapists
but also hopes to be shielded
from early marriage.

She seeks a land
governed by laws
to protect her innocence.

My daughter is a girl
who wishes to mature
and find love
not a money hungry pimp
who will sell her sex like
diamonds to the highest
my daughter bleeds
every full moon
like yours.

She isn’t a slave to be ushered.
My daughter, she is a refugee
she is a refugee.


My son

My son
isn’t a soldier
he is a child.

My boy wants to play
he dreams of going to school
to graduate
and attend a qualification.

He wants to mature
find love
and feel the sweetness of
a woman's love.

My boy is aware of his limits
why then rebuke him?
Is it because you are more
Or because his country
is at blame and in turmoil?

He needs a mother
and a father
to feed him
when he is hungry
like your own does.

My son, he is a refugee
he is a refugee.



  • Siden krigen brøt ut i Sør-Sudan i slutten av 2013, har nesten 2,4 millioner mennesker flyktet fra landet, ifolge FN.
  • Nord i Uganda har  Strømmestiftelsen livsmestringsgruppene Bonga for ungdom. 
    Malet er å gjøre ungdommene stolte og selvstendige, gi dem kunnskap om egne rettigheter og muligheten til å tjene egne penger.
  • I dette omradet gir vi også traumebehandling og psykososial oppfølging til ungdom som trenger det.