Joining saving groups
“One day a group of people came to our village talking about savings groups and the opportunity to start and own a business.” Soit stated. Although this would change the status quo for most of the ladies in Masai Mara based on traditions and cultures that keep women confined to housework, Soit could not let this amazing opportunity pass her by.
“I quickly talked to my husband and he was supportive, so I signed up” she stated with excitement. Soit was among the first ladies that were trained under the community managed saving groups program. In the groups, she learnt about time management, how to save, start and manage a business besides other life skills in the program.
More benefits from a changed life
“I bought a water tank for rain harvesting so I don’t have to go long distances looking for water.” She stated with joy. The friend quickly interjects and states, “she is also chairlady for the Board of management for Olesere primary school, sits on the water committee project and apart of the savings groups program in Olesere village.” In the saving groups, through the life skills sessions women are taught on their rights and role they can play in their community.
This has empowered Soit to break the boundaries of women being confined to just housework and not being given a chance to serve their community through leadership. She attributes her success to the being a first learners and intelligent, gets involved easily and a people person that easily gains their trust.
My dream is to build a bigger house with my husband and help my children get the best education until their finish school.
Programs like community managed saving groups, have the power to change the narratives of communities and their people. It empowers them to break long rooted cultural boundaries and provides opportunities for women to realize their abilities and be a part of building their communities both socially and economically.